
Antwerp Local Schools News Article

Archer Bullseyes 3/25/19

Mrs. Carnes sends an Archer Bullseye to Weston Rhonehouse and Madison Schmidt for helping fold the Wizard of Oz program covers during their library time without being asked.

Kendall Simonin sends an Archer Bullseye to Leigha Doster and Dylan Hahn for helping with homework.

CJ Eaton sends Archer Bullseyes to Mrs. Recker, Mrs. Bauer, and Mrs. Newell for helping students when needed and to Zaine McMichael, Griffin Kosch, and Cameron Pettijohn for their friendship. He also sends one to Hayden Lengacher for collecting band binders last week.

Miles sends an Archer Bullseye to Julian Gaisford for helping him in ELA.

Gene Garrett sends an Archer Bullseye to the broadcasting staff for announcing all our Archer Bullseyes (Counselor Hammer seconds that)!

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