
Superintendent's Message

February 2025

The second semester of the 2024-2025 school year is in full swing and with many cold and snowy days before us, I would like to remind parents to have students dress warm when waiting for the bus or in preparation for the trip to school. Student drivers should be reminded that road conditions change throughout the day and caution should always be used when driving in the winter.   The decision to delay or cancel school is always difficult, but the determining factor will always be the safety of our students.  Appreciation goes out to our bus drivers for their difficult job of safely transporting our students to and from school each day.  A reminder that delays and closings are sent out by Instant Alert and school app along with a message on vari­ous television and radio stations.
As of the writing of this newsletter, our delays and closings have resulted in 52.8 calamity hours.  A calamity school day is equivalent to 6.4 hours.  Board policy allows for 54 calamity hours prior to making up school hours.   If needed, our first make-up day will take place Monday, February 17th.  Otherwise, make-up days will take place at the end of the current school calendar year.     
A great way to beat the winter blahs is to view our winter sporting events in person or if the event takes place in the main gym, you can view it on your computer. The events are viewable on your computer by going to Youtube.com and typing Antwerp Athletics in the Search Bar.  A specially designed camera has been positioned in the main gym to provide this service.  Radio station 102.7 FM will also live-stream and provide broadcasters for all Antwerp home Varsity boys’ and girls’ basketball games.  Visit www.my1027.org to view the games.
While attending events in the school building, community members are also encouraged to observe our recently erected Academic Hall of Honor located along the north wall of the connector hallway from the Rotunda to the Auditeria/Gymnasium hallway.  The hallway features large display boards that recognize recent Valedictorians, Salutatorians, students scoring (29) or higher on their ACT, and members of our National Honor Society.
In an effort to enhance the social and emotional wellbeing of our students, Antwerp Local has partnered with the Westwood Behavioral Health Center (WBHC) to provide a broad array of on-site mental health services, diagnostic assessment, individual therapy, case consultation, and crisis management.  In addition, behavioral health education is available for students and staff.  Our partnership began January 6th and have nearly a dozen K-12 students already receiving services.
Looking ahead a couple of months, our musical department plans to present a spring musical program entitled, “SpongeBob”. The musical is under the direction of Cord Ehrhart and will take place Friday, March 21st, Saturday, March 22nd, and Sunday, March 23rd.
We also have our Family Literacy Night scheduled for Thursday, March 6th from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.  The theme for this year’s event is “Links for Literacy” with golf related fun activities. Specific events for the evening include literacy activities, a Book Fair, food, prizes, and educational based games. 
Another major event to consider attending this spring is the annual Arts Festival.  The festival is currently scheduled to take place Saturday, April 26th.
Go Archers!
Dr. Martin A. Miller 
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