
Antwerp Local Schools News Article

Archer Bullseyes 3/16/2020

Mr. Short sends an Archer Bullseye to his 8th period pre-algebra class. Without being asked, this class does an awesome job of cleaning the white boards, sweeping the floor, and disinfecting desks and other needed items.

Mrs. Saylor sends Archer Bullseyes to the following students: Xander Smith for participating in class, giving his best effort on his work, and having an enthusiasm for reading. Jill Magoulas for always working hard in class, being positive, and showing kindness.
Mr. Messmann sends Archer Bullseyes to the following: Mr. Weirich and his maintenance class for taking time to replace the baseboards on the bleachers in the gyms. Everything looks great! Mr. Ehrhart and his engineering class for designing and building a nail drag for the baseball and softball fields. Very impressive job. Well done! Eric Thornell for his great work ethic for projects around the school and for always being available for technical support.

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