

The Archer yearbook is produced by a staff made up of Antwerp students. We usually have about ten students on staff each year. The staff produces both the high school hardback yearbook and a smaller softcover yearbook for the elementary. The students are in charge of all of the photography, design, and editing. The yearbook is self-published, which means we don't use a traditional yearbook company. This has allowed us to reduce the cost of the yearbook and to eliminate fundraising to support the production of the book.  

We produce a chronological yearbook, which means that every week of the school year has its own spread. We think this makes it easier to get more students in the yearbook and allows us to cover what day-to-day life is like for the students at Antwerp. Afterall, it is called a YEARbook.

Beginning with the 2016 yearbook Shift, the Archer staff started entering the yearbook and individual spreads and photos into national contests and critiques. We send our yearbook into Quill & Scroll, the National Scholastic Press Association and the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. We are members of all three organizations. In addition to national organizations, the Archer staff is active at the state level with the Ohio Scholastic Media Association. Mrs. Sorrell serves on the adviser board, and since 2014, we have had at least one student representative on the student board each year.

Mrs. Amy Sorrell
Yearbook Adviser 
Master Journalism Educator
(419) 258-5421 ext. 2124